Gallery Featured Artist Application
Exhibit your work at TAC’s gallery at the Court Towers building! The exhibiting guest artist will be featured on the left side of the gallery. The space to hang work is approximately 30 linear feet.
There is no cost to apply. Once scheduled, fee is collected. Applicants will be processed on a first-come first-serve basis. TAC is a community gallery. In rare instances, artwork may not be displayed at the discretion of the Exhibition Director.
Inventory list is due a week before hanging.
Compensation: The artist will receive 70% of the sale price and donate 30% to TAC.
For members only: artist gallery sits 1 shift 75%/25% or sits 2 shifts 80%/20%.
Taking applications for 2026 schedule | Fee is $150 for
Featured Artist Responsibilities
Install the work on indicated day. Make labels or a price list with corresponding numbers. Invite friends and family to view your exhibition. Deinstall on the indicated day. Insurance of the artwork.
Optional: Guest artist may hold an artist’s reception, in addition to TAC’s First Thursday reception, during gallery hours. The artist will set up, clean up, and bring snacks and refreshments if they choose. A TAC volunteer will be present to conduct sales.
TAC Responsibilities: Gallery operations and sales. Promotion on website, email newsletter, and over social media. Host First Thursday reception 5pm - 7pm.